Winter is upon us - a time of respite for the soil and for our post holiday hectic schedules. This quiet time makes us long for our summer days of abundant veggies from the CSA. But winter is when we take our rest, and gather and build our reserves and strength to serve us for the coming seasons. Let us embrace this time of healing and building ourselves up.

The best way to do that? Keep up on your sleep, drink water, have quiet times of relaxation. Eat balanced, healthy meals. Remember to eat those fruits and veggies, even if they're not farm-direct (for now).
And... start planning for this year's CSA! We will be starting again June 9, 2023 - that's not so far away, friends!
Best of all, you can prepare for the new CSA season right now - by signing up and getting that early bird discount! If you sign up by 3/1/23, the prices are as follows for your share you select!
Pre-Bagged Medium Share is $27.50 a week
A basic Share is $34 a week
Premium Share is $41.25 a week
There are also fruit and/or egg shares available, or even 1/2 shares! Just email us at to get more info!
What is a CSA?
If you're not familiar with a CSA, it stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It's a farm where individuals purchase a "crop share" from the farmer, during the winter and early spring, before the growing season begins. Then, throughout the growing season, (in our case, 24 weeks), share members pick up their share at the pre-determined location.
Why should we do this?
There are many benefits of a CSA:
Purchasing a CSA share in advance allows the farmer to be financially supported from the beginning, to grow their organic crops in the upcoming season. Help gauarantee the ongoing security of local, organic farms.

By buying direct from the farmer, we cut out the middle-man of the grocery store. Your organic produce will be fresher, CHEAPER, local, and ready for you, instead of picking over whatever selection the store has chosen for everyone. Prices are more secure buying ahead from the farmer than buying every week at the market, which is more affected by inflation.

We all have busy lives and it's easy to buy the same old stuff. which often amounts to not enough veggies and fruits to feel our best. (Did you know most Americans do not get even close to the recommended 5 servings of fruits and veg a day? Half of your plate should be veggies!)
When you buy from a CSA, you get a fresh variety each week. You will find items you may have never even heard of, or never tried! Don't be scared, we will walk you through using these new items, and give you recipes and inspiration to try new things. You might discover a new favorite that you never thought you liked. (For me it was parsnips and okra!)

By buying local, seasonal food, we cut gas emissions from transportation, and long term storage. Not only is our food fresher and higher quality, but also it's cheaper, we save CO2 emissions, and no plastic or foam packaging to toss in recycling or landfills.

That's a lot of great reasons to support your local CSA! Help the farmer, the planet, your wallet, and your health!
BUT BUT BUT... (Common questions and concerns)
I don't have time to stop and pick and bag all the veggies myself! That's okay! This year you can even get your Basic or premium share pre-boxed for you, and you can just pick up your box and go! There is a $75 charge for the season, to cover the costs of labor and packaging. A pre-bagged medium share is also a great option for those who are looking to get a smaller share.
Why aren't the vegetables pre-washed for me? Don't like having having dirt on the carrots and potatoes? I get it. But the fact is, washing those veggies before use will make them wet, of course, and that will dramatically affect how long many of these veggies, especially root veggies like potatoes, etc. Washing these veggies before storage is a recipe for rotting. They will store far longer when. you gently brush any loose dirt off, and put away. Wash them only before you go to use them! And besides, even if your grocery store veggies look cleaner, you should probably still wash them before you use them, too. So don't take everything home and feel like you need to scrub them clean before putting away. In fact, keep them as nature intended until it's time to cook them!
I can't leave you without a recipe! This winter, warm up with delicious potato leek soup, super easy in your instant pot if you have one! If you were lucky enough to stock up on potatoes and other deliciousness from the CSA stock up box at the end of the season, this is a great way to use those potatoes and onions and leeks!
Creamy Vegan Potato Leek Soup

Enjoy this recipe!
We can't wait to see you again this season, so remember take advantage of the early bird discount! Don't hesitate to email us at with any questions! Here is to a beautiful plentiful and healthful CSA season in 2023!
All the best,
Winter renewal can also refer to practices or rituals that help to clear negative energy and promote a sense of renewal and rejuvenation. For example, some people practice meditation, yoga, or other forms of mindfulness to improve their mental and emotional well-being during winter. Masters Dissertation Writing Services