Here's your chance to meet the Farmer, and ask John any questions. you may have about Circle Brook Farm and the CSA!
We will have a live video chat on May 3rd, at 7PM. All are welcome to join!
John has been farming organically in NJ since 2003. Since then, he has had a grand vision of a diversified and integrated farm, something akin to the typical small farm of 100 years ago, except with the cutting edge techniques and materials available in the 21st century. It will be a sustainable operation producing nutritious food for as many folks as possible with a minimum of external inputs; one of many emerging “model farms” that are leading the way as we learn to farm for the future.
But more than this, it will be your farm, too! A place for CSA members and market customers to visit; a place to bring your children to teach them the source of their food.

Here is the link to join the zoom.
Topic: Meet the Farmer- Circlebrook Farms John Krueger
Time: May 3, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 822 4569 2893
Passcode: 448488
Why the CSA?
Organic, local produce that cuts out the grocery store middle man.
We are volunteer-run, so all proceeds go to the farm!
This is sustainable, healthier, and more cost-effective than buying conventional produce at the stores. And this way, you support your local grower. Everyone wins! and everyone eats delicious, diverse, and nutritious organic fruits and veggies!
To sign up for the CSA, click here!
Stay tuned to us throughout the season!
Through regular blog posts and emails, you will always know the latest news!
And we are here to help! Don't know what to do with a veggie? Our blogs will give you recipes, suggestions, and inspiration! Become a veggie master!
For example, radishes are an early spring crop you might see in your CSA goodies!
Of course we can slice them, top them on salads or tacos, or just eat them all up!!!
But did you know that roasted radishes are easy and delicious?
I'm addicted!
Check out this recipe for roasted radishes and salad turnips!

We hope to see you at our meet the Farmer zoom call!
Until then, happy spring to everyone!
~ Colleen