Hey everyone! Time to pick up our favorite CSA yummies!
Today we will have Peppers, spinach, kale, lettuce, rainbow carrots, acorn squash, radishes,
cauliflower or kohlrabi, sweet corn, shallots, sweet potatoes, and choice of an herb (parsley,
thyme, or oregano). The premium shares will also include endive(frisee) and cranberry shell
Let's get cookin'!
The veggies and weather this time of year are practically screaming for soups, veggie and grain bowls, and beans and greens dishes!
I actually add a little more and suatee some mushrrom slices down with the onion and ginger, throw some carrots in the broth too! Use that Bok Choy! Then top with fresh sliced radishes and fresh cabbage shreds (who still has some Nappa or savoy from last week? Or diakon from last week? perfect here!)

This one is sure to please! Use some of that delicious local sweet corn and potatoes!

I'm planning on making this one soon! Carrots, onion, broth and spices, sounds warming and nutritious!

This Kale and roasted chickpea salad would be a great way to use that kale this week, and serve it alongside that Carrot soup!!! Or with a baked sweet potato!

Beans, greens and squash!
The combo of squash and beans and greens is magical! Feel free to use delicata squash (cooks faster! and you can eat the skins!), or use a sweet potato if you've eaten all your squash!
Sub any green you want if you've already eaten the kale!

Cranberry Beans!
Cranberry beans are delicious and so beautiful to look at! The colors do fade while cooking, but opening each pod is like a little present of jewels!
Don't snack on these raw - they have a mild toxin while raw that can be pretty upsetting to your stomach. These need to be cooked to be enjoyed! But enjoy them we will!

Cranberry Beans n' Greens
More beans and greens , this time using our fresh spinach and cranberry beans this week!

Have a great week ahead, everyone! As always, don't hesitate to share your favorite recipes with us at howellCSA@gmail.com!
All the best!