Weekly Pick Ups June 9 - November 17
$41.25 weekly Premium Share
$34.00 weekly Basic Share
$27.50 weekly Pre-Bagged Share
Contact your local CSA today to sign up!
Pick-ups in Matawan, Middletown, Howell, Spring Lake, Ocean Grove, W Belmar, Westfield, Staten Island, Red Bank, Fairlawn, Morristown, Montclair, Cedar Grove, Bloomfield, and Newark.
Contact Theresa - NJOrganicCSA@gmail.com
What is a CSA?
At its core, a CSA is a way for consumers to directly buy local, seasonally fresh food from a farmer. Of course, people have been getting produce from local farmers for as long as there have been farms.
Here's how it generally works. A farm offers a certain number of "shares" to the public. Interested consumers purchase a share (aka a "membership" or a "subscription"), often well before the growing season. Members receive a CSA box (or bag or basket) of seasonal produce each week throughout that farming season. Some CSAs offer different box sizes to accommodate varying family sizes or individual needs. The customer then picks up their box at a given time and place.
This time last year, we learned that a secure food supply could suddenly become a shortage. Buying from local farms, which have a much shorter supply chain, is a great way to be assured of getting freshly harvested, quality food. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) provides an even better guarantee.
Middletown, NJ middletownCSA@gmail.com Ocean Grove, NJ OceanGroveCSA@gmail.com
Red Bank NJ NJOrganicCSA@gmail.com
Howell, NJ HowellCSA@Gmail.com West Belmar, NJ jtralkarn@aol.com Matawan, NJ slbmann9@gmail.com Bloomfield-Montclair CSA has three sites - 86 Llewellyn Rd and 15 Parkway, both in Montclair, NJ, and 96 Bowden Rd in Cedar Grove, NJ. BloomfieldMontclairCSA@gmail.com Newark, NJ eve@csanewark.com
Fairlawn, NJ Glenrockfairlawncsa@gmail.com
Westfield, NJ westfieldcsa@gmail.com
Morristown/Morris Plains, NJ morristownorganiccsa@gmail.com
Staten Island, NY statenislandcsa@gmail.com